Who does the Eau Claire County CCS Program work with?
The Eau Claire County CCS Program works with functionally eligible Eau Claire County residents that are experiencing mental health and or substance use conditions. This includes adults, youth, and children. Program participants voluntarily participate in services that are consistent with meeting their recovery needs.
Is my doctor or another medical provider, who I see for care, required to prescribe Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) for me?
Yes. Your doctor (MD, DO or APNP) must sign your CCS referral form, indicating that you need or could benefit from CCS. It is helpful to have this prescription at the time that your referral is received.
Can I continue to see my current mental health provider once I am enrolled in the CCS Program?
Yes, but only if we have a contract for that provider to continue to see you. If we do not have a contract with your provider, we will try to work with your provider to become part of our CCS program. You will need to be seen by one of our contracted providers if your current provider is unwilling to contract with us.
How long will I be in the CCS Program?
CCS services holds the vision that, with our support, participants are able to achieve maximum independence, ultimately resulting in discharge from the program. Individualized discharge criteria are developed that identify under what circumstances discharge should occur. As a voluntary program, you are not required to receive CCS Program services if you are not interested in doing so.
Does the Eau Claire County CCS Program provide housing, transportation, or shopping services?
No. The CCS Program does not have or provide housing, transportation, or shopping services. CCS Program staff can work with participants to locate support services related to meeting these needs.