Courtroom Technology

Courtroom Technology Available:

If you would like to use any of this technology or misc. items in the courtroom please notify our office prior to the day of the scheduled hearing or trial.  You will need to test your equipment prior to the day of your hearing or trial, so be sure to allow enough time to make these arrangements.  There is not a secure WIFI connection available in the building, only a public non-secure connection. 

Courtroom Technology:

Options below will present to two large TV screens in the courtroom.

  1. Document Camera

  2. Video/Audio can be presented off of a laptop.

    • Laptop is not provided by the court; each party would need to bring their own.

    • HDMI Laptop hookup is available in each courtroom.

  3. Documents can also be presented from a laptop with a USB puck that is available in each courtroom.    

Courtroom Misc. Items:

Items below are in court storage and can be brought into the courtroom for use upon request:

  1. White Board or Bulletin Board

  2. Easel

    • Large Paper Pad can be requested with this.