Eau Claire County
Home MenuAdaptive Equipment Loan Program
Adaptive Equipment can make everyday tasks easier and safer!
The ADRC Loan Program allows individuals to borrow devices for up to three months. This allows a person to see if it works well and have time to find a permanent solution.
We ask for a $10.00 non-refundable contribution for larger items and $5.00 for smaller items. This can be waived in cases of hardship.
Items in the loan closet include wheelchairs, walkers, canes, lighted magnifiers, large playing cards for those with visual impairment, shower chairs, bed transfer rails, and much more! Items are thoroughly cleaned upon receipt back to the ADRC.
When space allows, we also accept donations for the loan closet if items are in very good condition.
Items Located at the ADRC Office
Adaptive Equipment - Loan Items
Adaptive Equipment - Demonstration Items
Please call for details and availability 715-839-4735.