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Brain Check-Up

Brain Health Check Up 

A closer look at Memory Changes. A brain health check up (Memory Screen) is a wellness tool that helps identify possible changes in memory and cognition.  We screen for other things, why not your memory?  

It creates a baseline of where a person is at so that future changes can be monitored.  It's FREE, confidential and takes only 15 minutes! 

Get immediate results: 

Early detection is important, just as blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, or stroke screening contribute to prevention and better treatments, so do memory screens. 

Treatment may be possible, some types of dementia are reversible, like those from nutritional and vitamin deficiencies, depression, thyroid issues, and more. 

Knowledge means more control, dementias that are not reversible may be treated with medications that could help with symptoms and preserve quality of life for a longer period of time. 

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