Lowes Creek Ski Trails

Lowes Creek County Park is a 250 acre park located just a couple miles south of Eau Claire off S. Lowes Creek Road in the town of Washington. Lowes Creek, a trout stream which flows through the park, is spanned with a bridge giving hiking and skiing access to both sides of the creek. In addition to fishing, the park has approximately 5 miles of fitness/hiking and ski trails which are also open for mountain biking. Winter snowshoe/pet walking trails are groomed to separate these recreation uses from ski trails. A picnic shelter and pit toilets are located adjacent to the parking lot. Daily/annual vehicle entrance passes are required.

Lowes Creek Ski Trails

Brain Health as You Age

Taking Care of Your Mind: Tips on Creating a Healthy Brain as You Age

Have you ever spent 10 minutes looking for your reading glasses, and they were on the top of your head? Or, have you walked into a room and forgotten why you went there? Most people, even younger ones, have had these experiences but when should such instances be something of concern? What are the normal signs of aging? Is there anything you can do to maintain your brain health as you age?

This seminar presents age-related changes in the brain, risks to brain health, rewiring your brain, and some brain wellness strategies and the evidence behind them.

When: Thursday, August 24, 2023

Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m. 

Place: Village of Fall Creek, 122 E. Lincoln Ave., Fall Creek, WI 54742

Presentation includes PowerPoint presentation, handouts, websites, great resources, and brain healthy refreshments! 

Register online at the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire County www.adrcevents.org or call 715-839-4735.



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