Lowes Creek Ski Trails

Lowes Creek County Park is a 250 acre park located just a couple miles south of Eau Claire off S. Lowes Creek Road in the town of Washington. Lowes Creek, a trout stream which flows through the park, is spanned with a bridge giving hiking and skiing access to both sides of the creek. In addition to fishing, the park has approximately 5 miles of fitness/hiking and ski trails which are also open for mountain biking. Winter snowshoe/pet walking trails are groomed to separate these recreation uses from ski trails. A picnic shelter and pit toilets are located adjacent to the parking lot. Daily/annual vehicle entrance passes are required.

Lowes Creek Ski Trails

Vietnam Veterans Day


Food, Displays and social time provided by VMA, Host Post.


Setup for event and seating. Pre Event

2:00 – 3:30

Ceremony with guest speakers honored guests


3:40-4:00 open mic to say thank you and give honor


4-5 farewells and goodbyes


Eau Claire Vietnam Vet Day Poster 2015

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